Start The Presses!
Now that my life has found something of a reasonable rhythm, I’m resuming a normal blogging schedule (and all
Freedom From Religion: A Cautionary Tale from Prov. 29:18
I remember attending our church’s Wednesday night children’s program. All of us would gather together in the middle
Scanlon: "There's no 'I' in team, but there's 5 in 'Individual Brilliance"
I was watching Paul Scanlion preach on David’s Mighty Men yesterday and he makes the following, insightful observation about
Two Thoughts
“By Wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all
Finding the Good Mannheim Steamroller
About this time last year, I tweeted,
Why is it that the radio stations never play any of the good
The Book In My Wine Rack
Do you have that book that you’re so excited about you can’t bring yourself to started it?
The People I've Met
Today is, technically, my fifth day on the job. Truthfully, I can’t believe I get to do this. Between
It’s Official: I’ve Moved to Colorado
Greetings faithful readers!
Some of you might have noticed that I haven’t come home yet. For those of you
How Not to Write an Argument
With the new school year in full swing and so many speech and debate students trying to figure out the
The Real Story on al Qaeda
It is a tragedy to me that this video has less than 200 views.
RCP put it up this morning,