I Was Never on Saturday's Rapture List
[NOTE: It appears that FamilyRadio.org is undergoing some serious website update right now, so I’m not sure how
The Epistle of Barnabas and the End of the World
You can file this under “Nothing New Under the Sun”:
Furthermore, concerning the sabbath it is also written, in the
Soli Scriptura...sorta kinda
How often “Biblical” concepts, ideas and practices don’t require the Bible never ceases to amuse me.
The crème de
A worldview ticket or a ticket to worldview?
Teaching worldview, I sometimes wonder what people expect to get from my class.
Parents want their children to think “like
The Chapman Cohen Quote
It’s been a while since we’ve tracked down another quote from the Apologetics lists. With the NCFCA’s
Schnaiter on Guilt by Association
Recently, I was reading S. E. Schnaiter’s review of Riplinger’s New Age Bible Versions (don’t ask). Dr.
Open Query #81
With all you semester students out there enduring finals, what has the past 15 weeks taught you?
Piper on Paul and the Law
Yesterday I was listening to a sermon by John Piper and he made the following argument:
Paul is defending the
Don't Party in the Streets
With the death of Osama bin Laden, a Christian understanding of the data made its way into friend feeds and
Osama bin Laden and Proverbs
With the news of Osama bin Laden’s death tonight, we would do well to consider two proverbs:
“When it