What Script Writing and Event Producing Have in Common
I was browsing around the movie section of a bookstore (because if you’re going to take a break from
Dorthy L. Sayers and Learning Anything
Dorthy Sayers, in her speech, The Lost Tools of Learning, outlines how the use of language is the primary goal
40 (Serious) Sunday School Ideas
Lest I be accused of vaguery, I’m sure somebody is going to ask, “What do you mean by a
Bring Back the (Serious) Sunday School!
As I’ve reflected on the church calendar issue, one key motivation for the expositional sermon series is the leadership
Most can't be a great preacher/teacher every week
Spending five years in a context that saw a consistent line of itinerant speakers really gave me an appreciation for
Why the Church Calendar Doesn't Work
I’ve been wading into the details of the liturgical year, so I asked Evan if he had any threads
Religion in America
This 4th of July, I bring you another quote from Alexis de Tocqueville. Happy Independence Day!
There is an innumerable
The Quiet Power of Introverts
On Matt’s recommendation, i listened through Suzan Cain’s book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That
A Finals' Week Reading from Nassim Taleb
As the academic season comes to its groundhog day, I can’t help but pass along this from Nassim Nicholas
What if Revelation was written by John...the Baptist?
The first step to writing a commentary is to question the traditional authorship. I don’t know why; it just