How to Spot A Weak Speaker
If the speaker opens with, “The dictionary defines [topic] as…” you know you’re in for it.
The story here
The NWT translates John 1
I know it may seem a bit tired to go over this again (and it’s largely irrelevant these days)
Would That You Were Either Cold or Hot
As yet another example of the importance of historical context, Klein, Hubbard, and Blomberg (not sure which) makes this interesting
Why Ask For Feedback If You're Just Going To Ignore It?
How often do we heard this complaint, “I gave all this feedback and nothing changed!” Assumptions are everything in miscommunication
How To Teach Skeptical Students
The Center for Inquiry (yes, I follow CFI on Twitter because hearing both sides is important) posted this article from
What Makes An Animal Clean or Unclean?
Dr. Hess as an interesting couple of paragraphs on what way constitute clean/unclean animals:
Genesis 1 suggests that the
Oppression and the Household Commands
I quoted Hoener’s excuses on the household codes (or the Haustafel) several years ago, but it came up again
What Got You In Power Will Keep You In Power
Since the shift in power this past election, it’s been both amusing and disheartening to watched political partisans trade
Before You Answer That Question About The Bible
People have lots of questions about the Bible (as we’ve seen both here and here) I think they should.
Tigay and An Empirical Basis for the Documentary Hypothesis
The Documentary Hypothesis is one of the more interesting discussions in biblical studies. It’s also a fun party line.