1 min read

Finding a Girl

Two weeks ago, Pastor John Piper was asked, “What do you think of using the internet to find a spouse?” Two excerpts from his answer,

Yet I totally understand. It’s a way of putting out all of these profiles, and then you put out your profile, and then you say, “That looks really interesting.” I just think that’s totally normal!

I mean, that’s the way you get married. You want to know a guy, and he wants to know a gal. And if there’s enough commonality, let’s talk. But I wish it were happening in a more natural way in the church.

And a few seconds later,

So I’ll tell you, my idea is that the church should just set up eHarmony. Every church ought to have eHarmony or something like that.

So if you’re single and you’re going online to check out somebody in your church or your neighborhood, I’m not going to get on your case for that. I’d probably have done it myself, I was so chicken!

So after hearing Pastor John’s arguments (especially in light of yesterday’s epiphany that guys are tender-ninnies about marriage), I decided that I was all out of excuses. I immediately filled out eHarmony’s online personality profile and after it processed my life and values through a few algorithms, I’m now communicating with a lovely girl named Katherine who, I’m told, shares 27 dimension of compatibility with me.

Katherine is a high school graduate and a junior at Moody Bible Institute majoring in Biblical languages. Growing up, she played viola with her family ensemble before the practically broke up late this summer. She still plays and teaches violin/viola to a medium sized studio. Once a week she teaches a worldview class. Her ultimate goal is to teach Bible classes to highschoolers.

[NOTE: For the record, I’m kidding.]