1 min read

Piper on "all the words"

desiringGod just posted a video of John Piper talking about “missing words” in English translations.

As a student of Koine (NT Greek), discussions about which is the “best” translation get pretty old. Fortunately, Pastor John isn’t suggesting that one particular translation is better than all the others (like most people do).

The truth is, all the translations fall short at one point or another (just yesterday, I posted a tweet on how the NASB treated 1 Corinthians 7:36-38). So my recommendation is, as it’s always been, read out of at least 3 translations. Have a more formal translation (NASB, ESV), a more function (NIV, CSB) and a majority text (KJV, NKJV). Getting all those perspectives should give you a good idea about what’s going on. Will people make fun of you for taking three Bibles to church? Yes. That’s why I use the little, compact editions.