1 min read

Robinson on Preaching

I was doing some research on preaching and stumbled across this comment from Haddon W. Robinson.

The philosopher-humorist Abe Martin suggests, “There is more difference between a professional and an amateur than anything else on earth.” In public speaking, the amateur says words; the professional, on the other hand, possesses a deep desire to communicate. Amateurs settle for getting their ideas out of their heads, while professionals strive to get ideas into our heads. In the preacher, technical knowledge and training in the art of public address cannot take the place of conviction and responsibility. Having something to say to a congregation that you want them to understand and live by provides an essential stimulus for effective delivery. It produces the emotional “set” for speaking. We are not merely reciting a script. We are communicating ideas that matter to us.

When we concentrate on ideas, with the desire to make listeners understand and accept them, strong delivery comes naturally. It does not emerge from slavishly following a set of rules.

Robinson, Haddon W., Biblical Preaching, P. 204