The Locusts (And Not Helicopters) of Revelation 9:7-11
Another interesting quote from Klein, Hubbard and Blomberg regarding Revelation 9:7-11.
Or again in 9:7-11, the bizarre description
Would That You Were Either Cold or Hot
As yet another example of the importance of historical context, Klein, Hubbard, and Blomberg (not sure which) makes this interesting
What Makes An Animal Clean or Unclean?
Dr. Hess as an interesting couple of paragraphs on what way constitute clean/unclean animals:
Genesis 1 suggests that the
Oppression and the Household Commands
I quoted Hoener’s excuses on the household codes (or the Haustafel) several years ago, but it came up again
Before You Answer That Question About The Bible
People have lots of questions about the Bible (as we’ve seen both here and here) I think they should.
Tigay and An Empirical Basis for the Documentary Hypothesis
The Documentary Hypothesis is one of the more interesting discussions in biblical studies. It’s also a fun party line.
The Heart of Biblical Studies
A number of years ago, I remember complaining about how a particular text read. My professor very wisely asked me,
Jonah and Making Big Evidence Claims
Reading through our text for this week and this paragraph stood out to me,
The book of Jonah identifies neither
The Internet Asks, "What Does The Bible Say About..." From A-Z
This past summer, I noted that the auto-fill feature in Google and Bing gives us some important insight into what
The Asherah Tug-Of-War
For some reason, Baal gets all the attention when there’s another Old Testament deity that’s frequently mentioned: Asherah: