Open Query #46
Is it possible for a sophomore to have senioritis?
Open Query #45
What is the role of contemporary scholarship in the church?
Open Query #44
Should everything in Scripture be preached from the pulpit?
Open Query #43
Does it bother any of my professors or classmates that, as textual critics, we’re suppose to favor the most
Open Query #42
What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?
Open Query #41
Will my generation grow out of its technology obsession?
Open Query #40
Is the Doctrine of Liberty (Romans 14:1-15:9; 1 Corinthians 8:1-9:27) a truth we stand on or
Open Query #39
Are there times when you should give up?
Open Query #38
Should discussions of “Q Document” be taken seriously?
Open Query #37
Is our emphasis on the cross de-emphasizing the resurrection?