1 min read

Worldview Class '09-'10

Greetings faithful readers!

I wanted to let you all know that preparations for the ’09-’10 worldview class are in full swing! I couldn’t be more excited, I think this year’s class will be the best one yet.

For those of you who don’t know, I teach a two-semester worldview class using the Understanding the Times curriculum. Basically this means that in two-semesters, we learn everything on this chart. It’s intense. This will be my third year teaching the course, but a lot of changes are coming, here are the highlights:

-3 weeks per unit. For all of you who are completely intimidated by the homework assignments, fear not. The new calendar just added a full week.

-Weekly Ephesians quizes. Part of this class is memorizing the book of Ephesians. Not only will this continue to be counted as extra credit, but the credit will be granted on a weekly, rather than semesterly, bases. That makes things a lot easier, doesn’t it?

-Extra credit. I’ve added a supplemental reading/essay assignment to each unit. That’s a grand total of ten new extra credit assignments in addition to the Ephesians quizzes, Worldviews at the Movies essay and the various events that are optional for extra credit. So if you heard a rumor that I’m the toughest essay grader walking on planet earth, relax. You can make up any point shortages.

-Class size. I’m flinging the doors open to 20 students. This means longer discussions, more presentations and more friends.

-No tution increase. Technically, this isn’t a change, but it’s still good news. Inspite of the longer year, the tution is staying put at $200 per semester.

These are just some of changes. You can learn more about the class by visiting the Worldview Class website: http://worldview.psalmoneprojects.org

I’d love to see and your friends in class!
