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I got a text message from Cori (my sister-in-law, art buddy, and independent art instructor): "What do you think
Yes, but actually no.
This is what I'm talking about. Again from Gatto:
There seems to me to be two “official” ways
Household of Faith Documentary
It delights me that this documentary still exists, is still on YouTube, and includes the very passionate comment, "Very
Gatto's Got Me Thinking
I know that I am way too tender to be reading John Taylor Gatto, but his Dumbing Us Down (1992)
Emma Coats's 22 "Rules" for #StoryBasics
For whatever reason, the original 22 "Rules" (she says they should have been "guidelines") that Emma
365(ish) Days of Art
Choose your friends wisely.
I've been around an alarming number of photographers and videographers, so, in a way,
Biblical studies and theology have this semi-annoying/semi-comforting pattern in my life: I'll observe a phenomena and it&
McLean (or "the viridescent hap of rain")
It's finally warm enough for the rain to make it to the ground without freezing to death. So
In Praise of Goofing Off
They say the greatest portend of doom is "Hey y'all, watch this!" But I've
Calvinism as a Worldview
In 1989, Dutch Reformed theologian Abraham Kuyper was invited by B.B. Warfield to present at The Stone Lectures. He