We're all in publishing now; how do we get better at it?
I was adamant: it's going to take that long; we should be honest about it. He was adamant: if we tell them it takes that long, they'll never do it.
We're All in Publishing Now and We're Terrible at It
I have a nostalgic crush on Ed Catmul's Creativity Inc.
Years ago, I was listening to it for
Life on the Edge
Greetings faithful reader!
Apologies for not keeping you all up-to-date. Between work, starting college again and life just taking off
Start The Presses!
Now that my life has found something of a reasonable rhythm, I’m resuming a normal blogging schedule (and all
Welcome to davidknoppblog.com!
Greetings faithful reader!
Thanks for making the switch with me! All of the posts from Blogger have been imported here.
Why I'm Bad at Blogging...and Life
Greetings faithful readers!
My last post was in thanksgiving. Since then I’ve worked as the conference administrator for the
David Knopp Turns 2!
And we’re back!
Thanks for sticking around while I enjoyed some time off. I thought we should get things
Finding What They Weren't Looking For?
One of the things the computer does for me is it tracks key words or phrases that people use to